Looking up at the sky. Felt trapped and deeply stuck.
Looking up at the sky. Felt trapped and deeply stuck.
Bella keeping me company, perfect sweetie angel that she is
Bella keeping me company, perfect sweetie angel that she is
Bella smells something on the wind
Bella smells something on the wind
The green glass of the window on the patio caught my eye.
The green glass of the window on the patio caught my eye.
I love the intersecting angles here
I love the intersecting angles here
I finally got outside and the lush green vines caught my eye down an alleyway
I finally got outside and the lush green vines caught my eye down an alleyway
Across the street the young woman in green stood out to me.
Across the street the young woman in green stood out to me.
People waiting to cross the street.
People waiting to cross the street.
Lanterns in a storefront.
Lanterns in a storefront.
one of my favorite alleyways - right next to the L - it appears to have had a mural of some kind, and now has some kind of CTA diagram showing where things will go
one of my favorite alleyways - right next to the L - it appears to have had a mural of some kind, and now has some kind of CTA diagram showing where things will go
Eyes peering back from the alleyway graffiti.
Eyes peering back from the alleyway graffiti.
IBEW 9 - this really stood out to me and made me think of the workers who would've thrown this tag up
IBEW 9 - this really stood out to me and made me think of the workers who would've thrown this tag up
"Free your mind" - cliche but it pushed a button in my mind
"Free your mind" - cliche but it pushed a button in my mind
Rebellion through art - I loved the vivid greens and whites and pinks here.
Rebellion through art - I loved the vivid greens and whites and pinks here.
Spray can with a halo throwing up a thumbs up just made me smile
Spray can with a halo throwing up a thumbs up just made me smile
if you look closely you see the markings for construction over the art
if you look closely you see the markings for construction over the art
Stay in School Spiderman - imagining him swinging from the building in the background
Stay in School Spiderman - imagining him swinging from the building in the background
Those glasses. That is all
Those glasses. That is all
I loved the contrast of hot dog red/yellow against oceanic blue and green
I loved the contrast of hot dog red/yellow against oceanic blue and green
the robins egg blue and bright red and yellow drew my eye to these details
the robins egg blue and bright red and yellow drew my eye to these details
gorgeous detailing that belongs in a comic book with cheap scribbles over it
gorgeous detailing that belongs in a comic book with cheap scribbles over it
looked up and caught the L against the fluffy clouds
looked up and caught the L against the fluffy clouds
these lights feel like urban magic - love how they light the leaves
these lights feel like urban magic - love how they light the leaves
you would be forgiven in thinking you were anywhere but chicago
you would be forgiven in thinking you were anywhere but chicago
cyclist was almost mugging for the camera, I had such a grin on my face taking this shot
cyclist was almost mugging for the camera, I had such a grin on my face taking this shot
woman and her dog - almost meditative reverie
woman and her dog - almost meditative reverie
into the clouds...
into the clouds...
all time favorite shot I think - out of the clouds into the clear blue sky
all time favorite shot I think - out of the clouds into the clear blue sky
love how the light spills onto the beach here
love how the light spills onto the beach here
the way the sun dances on the blades of grass enthralled me
the way the sun dances on the blades of grass enthralled me
just a guy smoking a cigarette as one does
just a guy smoking a cigarette as one does
this was the a-ha moment - I've been trying for an angle of that pink hotel forever and could never get the right shot and finally this time it just looked right
this was the a-ha moment - I've been trying for an angle of that pink hotel forever and could never get the right shot and finally this time it just looked right
man and his best friend
man and his best friend
ghosts of cars - long exposure experiment - I like how the car is in focus but a ghost - thinking about how I can play with this in the future
ghosts of cars - long exposure experiment - I like how the car is in focus but a ghost - thinking about how I can play with this in the future
somewhat cliche but "god's light shines on his creation" lol
somewhat cliche but "god's light shines on his creation" lol
the way the yellow afternoon light spilled over this church just delighted me
the way the yellow afternoon light spilled over this church just delighted me
warm lights inside of glass drew my eye
warm lights inside of glass drew my eye
rich fluffy full clouds contrasting with the apartment's sharp lines
rich fluffy full clouds contrasting with the apartment's sharp lines
was finally feeling unblocked - ha ha
was finally feeling unblocked - ha ha
the way the leaves nestled around this light felt a little magical - greens into blacks due to the yellow light, then pinkish blue sky and finally red brick building
the way the leaves nestled around this light felt a little magical - greens into blacks due to the yellow light, then pinkish blue sky and finally red brick building
the way the light spilled between these two buildings just drew my eye to it perfectly - and the rich pinkish orange hues of the sunset against the red brick
the way the light spilled between these two buildings just drew my eye to it perfectly - and the rich pinkish orange hues of the sunset against the red brick
the curves of the motorcycle begged to be photographed
the curves of the motorcycle begged to be photographed
flying away, above it all
flying away, above it all
just felt like a good shot - color contrast structure
just felt like a good shot - color contrast structure
again, I love these airplane shots
again, I love these airplane shots
CTA trains catching reflections perfectly
CTA trains catching reflections perfectly
these signal comms boxes caught the pink of the sunset so well
these signal comms boxes caught the pink of the sunset so well
there is a story here - one side has graffiti and the other has been covered up - makes me wonder why
there is a story here - one side has graffiti and the other has been covered up - makes me wonder why
same shot different way down the alley - this guy was running sprints up and down the alleyway - felt like a cool shot
same shot different way down the alley - this guy was running sprints up and down the alleyway - felt like a cool shot
look I like trains a lot
look I like trains a lot
the way the light danced across the mural - found its way through the gates - enthralling
the way the light danced across the mural - found its way through the gates - enthralling
I feel sad knowing that the credit to all the artists down this alleyway - CTA art - union art - is falling apart and disappearing
I feel sad knowing that the credit to all the artists down this alleyway - CTA art - union art - is falling apart and disappearing
the pennants felt new to me even though I'd seen them a million times
the pennants felt new to me even though I'd seen them a million times
no, we are not going to forget
no, we are not going to forget
peeks of sky through the church - and a flight above - love this aspect of the city
peeks of sky through the church - and a flight above - love this aspect of the city
perfect yellow and red brick - with clouds and blue sky above - loved it
perfect yellow and red brick - with clouds and blue sky above - loved it
almost home - and saw the most beautiful light cascading through the trees
almost home - and saw the most beautiful light cascading through the trees
looking up through the skylight - feeling like a different person than the one who started this photo walk
looking up through the skylight - feeling like a different person than the one who started this photo walk

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